Important information

Working language



The total number of participants is limited. Participation is only possible with the invitation of the Organizing Committee. To get the invitation, please send the Abstract of your talk with the identification of the Section of the Symposium. After acceptance of the Abstract by the conveners, Organizing Committee will send you the Invitation.

Abstract submission

Abstract must be submitted via official Symposium website Before the Abstract submission, it is necessary to fill the Registration form. The Abstract must contain a clear description of new results, ideas, approaches which would give contribution to decision of the announced scientific topical problems and would give the conveners necessary information for the acceptance of the Abstract.


Overviews (up to 30 minutes).

Original presentations: oral (15-20 minutes) and posters (format А1, portrait orientation).


The nearest hotel to MEPhI (within walking distance) is "Intourist Kolomenskoye", prices in June about 4000-4500 rubles per day. Booking can be done at the hotel site directly.

Limited number of apartments will be available in MEPhI hostel, prices from 1000 to 2500 rubles per day depending on the number of residents. Requirements must be sent to the Organizing Committee

Visa information

Foreign participants of the Symposium have to obtain a visa according to the letter of invitation from MEPhI (tourist visas are not acceptable).

Registration fee



It is planned to publish Symposium proceedings in the refereed journal "Physics of Atomic Nuclei" in the end of 2019.

Additional information

During the Symposium, the participants will have possibility to visit the Experimental complex NEVOD and to familiarize with operating and being constructed detectors and arrays, and also take part in the excursions in two famous historical places near MEPhI (Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Tsaritsyno Palace).

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